Vernacular architecture is a type of local or regional construction that uses traditional materials and resources from the area. As a result, this architecture is intimately linked to its surroundings, and it is aware of the distinctive physical and cultural characteristics of its surroundings, as well as being heavily impacted by them.
Exact requirements for any Vernacular architecture are difficult to specify. Much of what you see is influenced by the culture and resources of each location.
The following are some of the most important aspects of vernacular architecture.
- Use of Local Materials
The majority of the materials were low-cost and supplied locally. The design was created with the goal of prioritizing functionality over aesthetics. It can either be on the use of wood, stone or other indigenous material found in the locality.

- Building adapts to the local climate
When placing windows, for example, builders may take into account the home’s orientation. To assist with the winter season, for example, specific materials may be employed. One example of this is applying the concepts of tropical designs in southeast Asian countries with tropical climate.

- Use of local technology

In a given area, you’ll notice some similar themes in vernacular building. The theme could refer to comparable materials or design elements, which could be a jumble of other, more international designs.
Some of the perspectives below is an example of a vernacular style in a home.

Vernacular architecture is a type of architecture that is an important aspect of the overall structure of a building. These structures and residences are the result of local inventiveness, and they are far more socially conscious and sustainable than other more ornate ones. This more traditional architecture style has a lot to offer in terms of lessons and admiration.
For building your dream house, an architect can help you make it into reality!XJG Architecture is a design, management and general construction company. We prepare plans, permits, engage in construction, calculations and estimates. The staffs are composed of group of individuals from different professions and field of practice who are committed to support. each other. It is composed of Architects, Engineers, skilled and well experienced non-skilled construction workers.

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- Kawit Branch: Congbalay, Binakayan, Kawit, Cavite
- Imus Branch: Palazzo Bello 2, Carsadang Bago 2, Imus Cavite
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